Who Am I? Why Am I Here?

16 Jan

Day 371

Old people will recognize this quote from Admiral Stockdale during his run for Vice President with Ross Perot. If you aren’t as ancient as I am, the story is that the Admiral was the VP candidate and when the VP debate rolled around he got some traction with that quote because few outside of military and D.C. insiders knew who he was. So here I am, the Admiral Stockdale of this blog, and you’re asking “Where’s Erica? What’s going on?”

Regular readers will know that she has been getting close to the arrival of her baby and so I, John, her brother, am writing some posts around Christmas time to sit in the draft bin in preparation for her having to take a few days off to have a baby. Of course you may ask “Why doesn’t Erica just do a few extra posts to keep in the bin?” and that is a great question. Erica is the only other person in the family besides me that has a blog, and I’m the CTO/geek of the family so it’s up to me to give the tutorials about lining up posts in the draft bin and things like cross-posting, guest posting, and other morally questionable traffic driving schemes.

And so – who am I? I’m actually Erica’s brother-in-law, her husband is my younger (and only) brother. I live with my family (wife and The Bro’s 2 cousins) on the opposite coast, in Massachusetts. I do marketing for software companies, and work for Glance Networks. I occasionally post on my blog, but have been only doing about once a month because I recently finished my first book on marketing and technology. I also do an internet radio program called Marketing Over Coffee every week that you can also find on iTunes.

So! Why am I here? What to expect from me? I guess I’ll line up 5 posts:

  1. This one, explaining who I am, and why I’m here
  2. Commentary on the Ellen quest, including calling in a few friends
  3. Everything I know about Ellen and her show (this one may be pretty short)
  4. A promotional stunt
  5. Welcome back and probably some baby pictures

And that should do it for today, if you have any questions, comments or better ideas, please comment below!

3 Responses to “Who Am I? Why Am I Here?”

  1. A.T. January 16, 2013 at 4:42 am #

    Well how lucky is my pal E to have you to fill in! Way to go! I look forward to you tackling points 2-5. She’s so lucky…bro-in-law on blog…hubby on baby watch…camera ready of course. Now that you have blogged I feel much better now! Thanks!!! E & J’s pal…A


  1. Designated Hitter – Day 2 « Daily Brain Farts to Ellen DeGeneres - January 17, 2013

    […] back again. The latest news as of this morning was the baby is not here yet. If you are wondering who I am, and why I’m here you must have missed yesterday’s post (no worries, I can […]

  2. Like Facebook « Marketing Over Coffee - January 18, 2013

    […] 20:28 John guest blogs over on EllenQuest […]

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