Thanks for the Memories Bro-timus Prime!

21 Jan

Day 376


Hey Elle, it’s me, Your Erica. I don’t know if you care or have even noticed but it’s not me whose been writing you each day as I have been in labor and recuperating for the past 5 days., it’s been my awesome bro in law, aka Bro-timus Prime who has been doing both my emails to you and blogging them for me. I’m sure you’d agree, he’s been blowing it up with some awesome emails. But, as much I would love to take credit  and continue to do no work, I have to let him sign off so that I can get back to working for you, FOR FREE.

But, I would like to suggest him for one of your segments, “Tell Us About An Act  Of Kindness.” Need I really explain who or why? Ok, my Bro In Law, John for taking the time to write you and blog for me while I was labor so that I did not break my daily commitment to write you. It’s not like he doesn’t have better things to do in addition to work and raising his kids. So, anybody who would take the time to do all that deserves a reward. So what do you say Elle? At the very least, don’t let all his time and effort be in vain, make all this worth it and answer my emails already!!!! And, throw in  a stack of cash you so often and so freely give out on the show  to my favorite ( and now that of my blog followers) Bro-Timus Prime, my bro in law, John – plane tickets for his family to visit us in LA would rock as well. So, I am back and will have more to share and discuss in the coming days, as always…. Your Erica, E- Out! THANKS BRO IN LAW!!!!

Disclaimer:  typos attribute to a five day old baby/

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