No Doubt…I can “Six Pack” This….Please!!!

26 Sep

Day 261


Hey Elle, you know you inspire me AND you have “changed my life” (in too many ways to describe here so I will write you separately about that). I really enjoyed Zooey Dechanel’s interview and I loved that you answered questions from your audience after the show. You saying that you keep positive because of the inspiration you get from your fans who tell you about their struggles, makes a lot of sense.

When you see people doing incredible things despite incredible challenges and hardships it makes you  want to do better; be as great, resilient, strong (or at least believe that you can be the best YOU!) I have said time and time again that you have inspired me to do what I want to do (write), be the real me (crazy) and do it my way (also crazy and non-conventional) but today, I found my next best inspiration to overcome challenge and be my best…looking.

Gwen Stefani is only one year younger than me and has had two children and still has that amazing six-pack!!!!  That requires a lot of hardship to maintain. I want that!  I am inspired (you are first, then Gwen…)! This may seem shallow and unoriginal but, that’s what I need inspiration for right now. I’ve gained 33lbs. It’s best not to mess with a pregnant woman on this and don’t judge just, be inspired by my inspiration. Your concern may be the same as mine; do you have to have had that six pack before the kids to get it back or are we all starting from scratch here? Let’s eave that out of the equation for now….Your Erica, E-Out!

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