Oops, did I say that?

6 Aug

Day 211


Hey Elle, I need to clarify something. Yesterday, in my email to you I said that I was 17 months and 4days pregnant. Obviously, that is not true and impossible. See? I told you that pregnancy can do a number on you! So I would like to say for the record that I meant that I was 17 weeks and 4 days pregnant. That just sounds better. Could you imagine if you had to carry a child in your womb for 17+ months?  To do this for over a year would be longer than I’ve held some very serious jobs!  And, at that rate I think mothers could ask for a salary for that kind of work – it would be as dangerous as operating heavy machinery while under the influence of drugs but, worse off pregnancy. On that note, I think I should cut it short tonight. Given my how off I was yesterday it should be enough for me to correct my mistake and go to bed! Your Erica, E-Out!

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